Watercolor Basics

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    Make a Simple Watercolor Wash

      Make a Simple Watercolor Wash Watercolor washes have many uses. A background for a card or a hand lettered quote. A first layer for a design or to add depth to a painting. Not only are they useful, watercolor washes are simple too. Ready to give one a try? You will need: Watercolor paper (I am using Canson 140lb.) Masking tape Clipboard Flat brush Paint Water Paper towel 1. First, tape your watercolor paper to a clipboard or other surface to keep it from warping as it dries. I like to cut my paper into quarters to work smaller. Then, if I want to use a wash for a…

  • Watercolor Basics

    Basic Watercolor Supplies

    When you get started with watercolors, it can be quite overwhelming. My advice? Begin small and cost-effective. You’re learning and maybe don’t know if you like painting with watercolors yet. You don’t need artist grade supplies to get a feel for the medium. Buy them when people start asking you to paint for them. That said, artist grade paints will have more pigment in their colors, making their colors richer. But no matter which brand you buy, each behaves differently, so you will always need to get to know your brand. Here are a few basics to get you started painting because painting is the goal, not amazing supplies. Winsor…