• Welsh Harlequin and Easter eggs watercolor
    Blog,  Project Ideas

    Welsh Harlequin Duck with Easter Eggs

      March gave us a bonus week just before Easter and April Fools Day, all wrapped up in one. What do you do on April Fools Day? I love pranking my kids. They wake up with marker mustaches, swapped clothing drawers, and switched out cereal boxes. And that’s just the beginning.  I don’t care for the mean jokes. They take the fun right out of it for me. No plastic wrapped toilet seats for this girl!  I will take wrapping off of chocolate Easter eggs and re-wrap it around grapes to pack inside lunches. To some people that’s real torture … taking away their chocolate. But what should I do…

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  • Blog,  Lettering,  Watercolor and Ink

    Make it Yours

    Something happens inside of me when I decide to step out and own something. At that point, I know I’m committed to the idea or project. I decide what that something means to me, how it will impact or change my life and what will become of it.   This can happen with art too. As I cultivate curiosity and see things through my perspective of the world. I intentionally see things around me. I invest in seeing.   Then, when I put what I see to paper, I move thought to action. I invest in ability, I invest in style and I even invest in you as you see…

  • Blog,  Watercolor and Ink

    Color Me Curious

    How did your design creating go last week? Did you notice and appreciate the designs around you more often than usual? Personally, I’m noticing little things everywhere and wanting to turn everything into a design too! How did it feel to put your designs to paper and add ink? Were you drawn to the page again and again to add just one more design? It can be addicting. I know I’m totally obsessed with it. Each time I thought I was out of ideas, I came up with more. Just wait until you try this next exercise. It will get those creative juices flowing with color and turn that black…

  • Blog

    In the Details

    It’s all in the details. Seriously. So many things are overlooked with the details. Sizes Shapes Patterns Colors Textures Close up and far away differences Combinations of the above and more   Do you know what’s ironic about details? I tend to breeze past details for the bigger picture. I see recipes as guidelines for the meal instead of individual amounts and I love to throw all kinds of things into my cooking (I guess it helps that I usually come out smelling like roses here. If I botched every meal, I’d probably stop experimenting because I like yum better than yuck.) I look for the bigger picture in conversation…