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Your Style in Letters

Your Style in Letters

I love to make letters stretch beyond verbal meanings into visual impact. In this project, I’ll show you how I incorporate style and personality into a name, my name. As you work through the project, it will impact you most if you use your name and process your own style and personality.

Let’s get that left side of your brain mingling with the right side.

1. I like to think before I ink, or thINk, so I started this project with a mind map. I wrote down any word that came to mind that describes me or my style. I jotted my mind map in a sketchbook, but you can be as creative as you like. Draw it in marker. Stick a patch of sticky notes to your wall. Write it in snow on your patio (No, in April, I’m not hoping you have snow). Paint it in pictures. Process using the method that works for you. 

Your Style in Letters - Mind Map
Your mind map doesn’t have to be pretty. I just did a quick sketch of mine to get all of my ideas on paper. For me, at this stage, fast keeps up with my thoughts better than pretty.

2. To keep my letters organized, I made a chart with one box for each different letter. Notice I have two Ns in my name, but I only made one box for N. In hindsight, it might have been helpful later to have more Ns, as I needed to reuse some of them. I had room, so I made an extra box in case I needed spill-over room.

3. When I made the letters in each box, I used a variety of styles. I tried to pick styles that I felt represented different pieces of my personality from my mind map. You can see some bold letters, fancy letters, brightly colored letters, some doodly letters, etc. Your Style in Letters - Letter brainstorming

4. When my ink dried, I cut the letters apart and put them on letter piles to make it easier to put my name together.

Your Style in Letters - Cutouts
I cut mine apart and put like letters on piles to save time when trying different letter combinations.

5. From the different letters, I pieced together a variety of styles. Each name is different, but they all represent me in different ways. I love how it shows the hodgepodge of who I am.

Your Style in Letters - Your Name
Use the pieces to form your name.

6. As an extra challenge, pick your favorite(s) and write a description of what they say about you. Here is an example of one I did a few months ago.

Your Style in Letters - Name
I’m a little fancy, a little normal, a little bold, a little whimsy, a little wonky all with a splash of color. Can you see these things in my name?

I call myself a forever student enrolled in life. I love to learn ... about people, about watercolors, about ink and letters, and about expression using all that I know.